MAT-125 — Corequisite Support for Mat-25

About This Course

2.00 units

Prerequisite: Appropriate Placement

Description: A concurrent corequisite course containing algebra concepts designed to support the students taking MAT-25 (Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students). Topics include a review of skills from an elementary and intermediate algebra course: Rounding integer values, translating phrases into mathematical expressions, solving problems using percent and decimals, evaluating expressions containing exponents, solving linear equations, applying the four basic operations to real numbers, graphing and writing linear equations using slope and y-intercept, and simplifying expressions using order of operations. Topics are taught strategically throughout the semester to provide "just in time" instruction of skills needed to master concepts in MAT 25 as they arise in that course. A diverse approach to problem solving processes and enhancement of study strategies will prepare the student for later university courses. 36 hours lecture. (Pass/No pass only)