Commencement 2021
Congratulations, graduates! As your final semester at Riverside City College comes to an end, we would like to acknowledge your commitment, academic accomplishments and stellar dedication as you venture into the world.
Virtual Ceremony | Drive Through Ceremony |
Commencement 2021 at a Glance

Who: RCC Class of 2021 Grads
What: 2021 Commencement Ceremony
When: June 11, 2021
Where: Virtually

"I could not have done it without RCC's mentorship. All of the all nighters and hard work; everything was worth it."
Francisco Medina Class of 2018
2021 Virtual Commencement
The 2021 Commencement Ceremony will be held virtually and will be open for viewing beginning at 9 am on June 11. Participation in the ceremony is optional.
Creating Your Commencement Slide
When preparing your photo follow the guidelines below:
- Dress to impress. Wear business/professional attire (dress as you would for an interview) i.e., button down shirt, business-appropriate dresses are great choices. You can also wear your graduation regalia (cap and gown).
- Take a headshot (waist up/shoulders up only) photo.
- No filters - let the real you shine through!
- The photo must be of YOU only - No group shots or photos with your child or pet.
- Photos will be reviewed and approved before posting.
Do you have a special inspirational quote that has gotten you through tough times as a student? Is there a line to your personal theme song that sums up who you are? Do you have a personal motto or mantra? Now is the time to share it! Keep these things in mind:
- No profanity.
- Keep it professional!
- If you are quoting someone, please give them credit.
- Everything will be reviewed before being posted.
Academic regalia (cap and gown) is available for purchase through the RCC Bookstore. Regalia can be purchased online or in the store during open hours. Please check with the bookstore to ensure the regalia is in stock before coming to campus.
Graduates who have met all requirements for graduation, diploma(s) will be mailed at the end of summer. Students that have been permitted to participate in commencement but have outstanding requirements in order to complete their degree must enroll in lacking requirements during the summer term. Otherwise, graduates are required to reapply for your degree(s) in a future term. Please contact Evaluations at or call 951-222-8610 and leave a message for a return phone call if you have changed your address since completing your graduation application.
Drive Through Celebration
An optional Drive Through Celebration will be hosted Thursday, June 3 at RCC in the parking structure. Graduates will will drive through the parking structure, briefly exit their vehicle, receive a diploma cover, and have a photo taken by Grad Images with a RCCD official in regalia.
Participation Info
Check-in at the parking structure bottom level entrance - via 15th street. Follow the directions through the parking structure until you reach the top. Graduates will exit their vehicles for a brief opportunity to receive their diploma cover and have their photo taken. After the photo is complete, graduates are to follow the signage to exit the parking structure.
We ask that to manage traffic flow, please participate in the Drive Through Event at the times assigned by your last name. Please check-in during the hour listed below:
A-C | 9 am |
D-F | 10 am |
G-I | 11 am |
J-L | Noon |
M-O | 1 pm |
P-R | 2 pm |
S-U | 3 pm |
V-Z | 4 pm |
If you are unable to come at your suggested arrival time, you may come anytime between the hours of 9 am-6 pm.
- Regalia is suggested, but not required
Masks must be worn at all times
No physical contact with others outside of your vehicle (no hugs, handshakes, high fives)
If you walk or ride the bus, please check-in at the top of the parking structure