I. Student Success
1.1 Increase the college going rate by 3% annually in order to increase attainment of living wages in our community.
1.2 Reduce equity gaps by 40% in 5 years, by removing barriers in the onboarding process (including access to programs and services) through cultural proficiency training and targeted interventions
based on disaggregated student equity data.
1.3 Increase percent of students eligible for financial aid who receive aid by at least 2% per year.
1.4 In order to shorten the time to completion and improve college going rates, the college will increase number (headcount) of high school student participation in dual enrollment programs (inclusive
of CCAP, middle college, and concurrent enrollment) 5% annually.
2. Student Success
2.1 Increase by at least 20% year over year the number of RCC students annually who acquire associate degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific job-oriented skills sets.
2.2 Increase by 20% year over year the number of RCC students transferring annually to a UC, CSU, private college, or out of state public or private institution.
2.3 Increase the percent of exiting students who report being employed in their field of study by 3.5% year over year, an increase of 10%, median earnings 9.75% each year, and the number of those earning a living wage by 9.75% each year.
2.4 Through targeted interventions based on disaggregated student equity data, shorten the time to competion for part-time students from 6 to 4 years , and full-time students from 6 to 3 years.
2.5 Increase number of students who complete both transfer-level math and English in first year by at least 20% annually.
2.6 The institution set standard for course success is 66% per year and the goal is to improve 1% a year from the new baseline of 67.3% in the 16-17 AY.
2.7 Ensure number of units for degrees does not exceed 15% above required number of units.
2.8 For each of the objectives above, decrease equity gaps by 40% in 5 years and eliminate within 10 years by providing cultural proficiency training for faculty and academic support staff, and by providing integrated academic support, and discipline-specific pedagogical practices for improved student outcomes at the curricular level.
3. Institutional Effectiveness
3.1 Ensure that all decision making, processes, and outcomes are aligned with the college’s mission and goals and governance structures by regular review of college policies, plans and processes.
3.2 Facilitate accountability, transparency, and evidence-based discussion in decision making to improve trust by regularly publishing plans, reports and outcomes data.
3.3 In order to maintain fits funding, and to meet the needs of students, attain a college-level efficiency average of 595 (WSCH/FTEF) by providing disciplines with their specific efficiency targets and the tools to meet those.
3.4 Provide cultural proficiency training and comprehensive data coaching to support evidenced based discussion and development of strategies to help disciplines, departments and service areas meet equity goals.
3.5 Provide a framework and tools to recognize excellence and sharing and implementing of best practices across disciplines, departments and service areas to create an environment in which students, faculty, and staff feel supported and valued.
3.6 Improve communication strategies internally by providing framework and tools to streamline and prioritize messaging, and with the communities we serve through robust marketing strategies.
4. Resource Development and Allocation
4.1 Efficiently manage existing resources to support the ongoing academic and student support programs, and strategically develop external revenue sources to maximize the resources available to support student learning and success. (Target: 30% of overall budget will be from external revenue sources.)
4.2 Refine the Budget Allocation Model (BAM) grounded on principles of equity, transparency, and fairness to be implemented by Fall 2020, that is annually reviewed, assessed and updated.
4.3 Revise and implement a strategic enrollment management plan that integrates student need, success and access goals with financial planning by Fall 2020 that is annually reviewed, assessed and updated.
4.4 Implement the Technology Plan to ensure relevant investment in state-of-the-art technologies to enhance data-informed decision making, programs, services, and operations. that is annually reviewed, assessed and updated.
4.5 Maintain a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty, and staff, by developing a process through which the college can be responsive to any health and safety recommendations.
4.6 Revise and implement the HR Plan, by Fall 2020, with specific goals to recruit and hire diverse faculty and staff to support student success that is annually reviewed, assessed and updated.
4.7 Provide annual Facilities Plan updates and fully integrate the Total Cost of Ownership principles for existing and future design of facilities.
5. Community Engagement
5.1 Enhance and maintain partnerships with the community’s K-12 districts, universities, and other regional partners by acitively participating in collaborative groups to increase equitable student success and completion at all levels.
5.2 Expand work with local business and CTE advisory groups to ensure that the college’s educational programs provide the necessary skills that lead to living wage employment opportunities.
5.3 Continue providing programs and services that are responsive to and enrich the community.
5.4 Collaborate with the RCCD Foundation to ensure the continuation and growth of philanthropy to enhance educational programs and student support services at RCC.