Norco College Phone Listing
Norco College
2001 Third Street
Norco, CA 92860-2600
(951) 372-7000
Academic Departments
Art, Humanities and World Languages: 372-7076
Business & Management: 738-7777
Career & Technical Education: 738-7777
Communications: 372-7067
Engineering: 738-7777
Information Technologies: 738-7777
Mathematics: 372-7079
Science and Kinesiology: 372-7079
Social and Behavioral Sciences: 372-7076
Admissions & Records: 372-7003
Associated Student: 372-7007
Athletics : 372-7021
Bookstore : 372-7085
CalWORKs: 372-7052
Career Center : 372-7147
College Police: 372-7088
24-Hour Dispatch Center : 222-8171
College Receptionist: 372-7044
Counseling : 372-7101
Dean of Instruction: Arts&Humanities/Social&Behavioral: 372-7062
Dean of Instruction: Business & Management/STEM: 372-7017
Dean of Instruction: Career and Technical Education : 372-7017
Dean of Student Services : 372-7081
Disability Resource Center: 372-7070
Engagement Center: 372-7176
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services: 372-7128
Health Services: 372-7046
Honors Program: 739-7101
Learning Resource Center (LRC): 739-7896
Library: 372-7019
Outreach: 739-7856
Parking : 739-7895
Prison Partnership Program : 372-7124
Puente Program: 372-7033
STEM: 739-7803
Student Activities: 372-7007
Student Employment: 372-7190
Student Financial Services: 372-7009
Student Life/Student Conduct: 372-7021
Student Support Services : 372-7163
Transfer Center: 372-7043
Tutorial Services (Mustang Tutoring): 372-7896
Umoja: 738-7707
Upward Bound Programs: 738-7721
Veterans Resource Center: 372-7142