Riverside City College Phone Listing
Riverside City College
4800 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92506-1299
(951) 222-8000
Academic Affairs: 222-8053
Academic Departments:
Applied Technology: 222-8491
Art: 222-8339
Behavioral Sciences: 222-8540
Business and Info Tech Services: 222-8551
Chemistry: 222-8533
Communication Studies: 328-3755
Cosmetology: 222-8491
Counseling: 328-3755
Early Childhood Education: 222-8551
Economics, Geography, Political Science: 328-8540
English & Media Studies: 222-8519
History, Humanities, Philosophy: 222-8450
Kinesiology: 222-8421
Library and Learning Resources: 328-3755
Life Sciences: 222-8533
Math: 222-8533
Performing Arts: 222-8339
Physical Science: 222-8533
School of Nursing: 222-8405
World Languages: 222-8519
Admissions & Records: 222-8600
Art Gallery: 222-8358
Bookstore: 222-8140
CalWORKs: 222-8964
College Police 24-Hour Dispatch: 222-8171
College Police Parking Services: 222-8520
Counseling: 222-8440
Disability Resource Center: 222-8060
Diversity and Equity Compliance: 328-3874
Division Deans
Career and Technical Education: 222-8131
Fine and Performing Arts: 222-8399
Languages, Humanities & Social Sciences: 222-8057
Math, Science & Kinesiology: 222-8729
Nursing: 222-8818
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS): 222-8045
Foster and Kinship Care Education: 222-8937
Foster Youth Support Services: 222-8251
Gateway College and Career Academy: 222-8934
Human Resources: 222-8595
International Student Center: 222-8160
Math Learning Center: 222-8000 Ext. 4100
Outreach: 222-8574
Performance Riverside: 222-8100
Student Activities: 222-8570
Student Financial Services: 222-8710
Student Health and Psychological Services: 222-8151
Student Success: 328-3881
Transcript Office: 222-8603
Transfer Center: 222-8446
Tutorial: 222-8169
Veterans Office: 222-8607
Welcome Center: 222-8574
Writing and Reading Center: 222-8632