Pathway to Law School

A Pathway for You
Riverside City College is one of the original 24 (now 28) community colleges in California selected for an initiative program sponsored by The State Bar of California’s Council on Access and Fairness (COAF) and CA Law, Inc. This initiative is designed to create a pathway for students to attend one of nine of California’s most prestigious undergraduate institutions and their respective law schools.
Partnering Law Schools
- University of California, Berkeley and UC Berkeley School of Law
- University of California, Davis and UC Davis School of Law
- University of California, Irvine and UC Irvine School of Law
- University of California, Los Angeles and UCLA School of Law
- University of Southern California, and USC Gould School of Law
- Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School
- University of San Francisco and USF School of Law
- Santa Clara University and Santa Clara University School of Law
- Pepperdine University and Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Career Possibilities
- Lawyer
- Judge
- Mediator
- Paralegal
- Secretary
- Consultant
- Court Administrator
- Governmental Administrator
- Politician
- Legal Educator
Program Benefits
The Community College Pathway to Law School 2+2+3 initiative is an unprecedented opportunity offering advancement in the legal profession for students, particularly diverse populations who have been traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession.
Students in the program will receive and/or participate in:
- Faculty advising
- Academic advising
- Pre-law advisement
- Financial aid
- Mentoring
- Law related activities such as law forums and workshops
- Undergraduate and law school visits
- Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) prep information, guidance and exposure
- Prescribed course credits that transfer
- Exposure to legal professionals
- Legal internship and other law related support opportunities
- Application fee waivers for admission to the participating law schools
- Special attention regarding college and law school applications at participating schools
Each student who successfully completes the program requirements is recognized as a Law Scholar by participating law schools and their respective undergraduate institutions. Law Scholar recognition affords students special recognition and attention regarding admission to one of eight participating universities, as well as consideration for admittance to one of the participating law schools.
Admission Into the Program
Must be attending Riverside City College (or one of the other 28 participating California community colleges) during or after the 2015-2016 academic year. 2. Must be currently in good academic standing (not on academic probation or suspension).
- Attend Pathway to Law School Orientation
- Attend law forums and other related trips
- Complete and turn in a Pathway toLaw School application and contract
- Work with Pathway to Law SchoolAdvisors regarding program goals
- Establish a Pathway to Law SchoolStudent Education Plan based on aselected major and the Pathway to LawSchool Program’s required courses
- Regularly participate and attendmeetings and activities for Law Societyand Mock Trial
- Participate in community service,college service, and/or civic learningactivities on or off campus such as LawSociety, Mock Trial, MUN, ASRCCStudent Government, ASRCC SupremeCourt or ASRCC Senate
- In addition to the above, you must receive academic counseling eachsemester and regularly attend Pathwayto Law School workshops eachsemester as prescribed to maintainyour standing as a Pathway to Law School participant.
- English 1A or 1AH
- English 1B or 1BH
- Communications 3
- Math 12/12H or PSY/SOC 48
- History 6/6H or History 7/7H
- Political Science 1/1H or 5
- Business 15, 18A, ADJ 1 or 9
- Attend Pathway to Law School Program activities/field trips
- Participate in Debate/Moot Court
- Participate in Law Society
- Service and civic learning
After submitting your details, you will need to follow up by submitting a Statement of Interest, Unofficial Transcripts, and formal Application. For additional program information, contact Faculty Champion, Prof. Judon, J.D., Esq. at